The (Not So Still) Still Life Painting Workshop (Online) w/ Dean Fisher

The (Not So Still) Still Life Painting Workshop
(Online) w/ Dean Fisher
July 12 – July 26 (Tuesdays) – with a Review Session, Saturday, July 30, 10 AM to 1 PM, EST. $250.00

In this three-session still life painting workshop we will examine various approaches to still life painting with the goal of expanding our perception of what a still life painting can be.
We will see how even the most mundane subject can be transformed into a mysterious and poetic image which suggests so much beyond just being an illustration of the subject.

See Penn Studio School of Art website
for more information and registration

Dean Fisher’s Dordogne Valley Workshop Information

There are two sessions,

The first group is: September 18-26, 2022 and the second group is: September 26-October 5, 2022
Enrollment is limited and is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

For more information go to the Dean Fisher’s Workshops Website
  • This will be a week-long, intensive landscape painting workshop based in the magnificent Chateau Belcayre on the river Vézère in the Dordogne Valley in an absolutely mesmerizing setting which is perfectly suited for the plein air painter. Without a doubt, there is subject matter here for ten lifetimes!
  • With a minimum of eight hours of personalized instruction daily coupled with full days of hands-on painting.
  • We’ll have an afternoon trip to the caves of Lascaux to view Neolithic cave paintings and the museum, only 10 km away!
  • There will be a few bikes on hand for early morning or afternoon bike rides!
  • We are only one km. away from Saint Léon sur Vézère, which is on France’s list of “the most beautiful villages in France”. There will be daily transport to and from the village and we’ll have lunch there one day.
  • There will be three exceptional, chef-prepared meals given daily, paired with fine regional wines.
  • There will be two or three after dinner portrait drawing and painting sessions for the students wishing to study figure painting with me.
  • Please see the testimonials page (linked here) from former students to read firsthand accounts of their experience working with me at this location.